Beauty Bound
Hello Dear Friends and Readers. At every step of the quilt making process, it’s amazing to see each incremental improvement, don’t you think?. … Even the most simple of quilts, takes on it’s own new beauty after quilting. The texture and three dimensionality bring it to life. I think the same applies to binding. It’s the frame which secures all the edges and gives it strength.
Personally, I love binding. Especially the hand stitching. It’s like a special treat! I think it’s like one of my hygge places. Curl up on a lounge with a matching thread and just quietly stitch.
The binding, although narrow does provide the last “frame” of the quilt. It’s the finishing touch. It contains all the edges and protects the sides of the quilt.
Prepare binding strips for quilts
Attaching Binding to a Quilt Tutorial
I try to choose a fabric which really is complementary to the quilt This a great time to add striped and directional fabrics for that extra statement you can also use the fabric strips left over from your quilt backings Those that come from the length of the fabric “the warp” will create very stable binding strips in long lengths, which can make binding easier, although I would not recommend this for curved bindings.
I like to make double fold bindings. Some other suggestions for bindings can be curved bindings, double edged bindings, which add a lovely extra finish, scalloped edged bindings or bindings which follow the finished edge like in hexagon quilts
If you are in the camp of not enjoying bindings, here are some other suggestions. Self binding, where the quilt backing is deliberately made larger, then folded to the front of the quilt and stitched down by machine. Prairie point finishes or ruffled edge finished or even a lace edging. All of these can be attached prior to quilting, then the backing is added, and the quilt turned and then quilted, or after quilting, providing enough free edge is left to turn under later.
Once the binding is completed and the label is done then your work is finished and it’s time to move on……
Beauty Bound
Actually I made this quilt for my father as he was dying. I wanted to give him something from my heart and for his comfort.
If you enjoyed this post, you may also like,
and Quick Bind Every Time – Tutorial
Happy sewing,
Dear Susie, I love your site so much. From the bottom of my heart.God bless you.
From Margaret.
Dear Margaret, Thankyou! 💕💕💕
I love doing the finishing touch too.