Roses in a Basket Needle Book

Roses in a Basket Needle Book

Continuing on from Roses in a Basket  The Beginning.

Roses in a Basket; The Beginning

I pretty sure I have quite a few needles, but they seem to be in odd places, like sticking out of my pincushions or in reels of cotton.  I seem to be hunting when I need one.   I decided that wasn’t good enough and it would be far more efficient to have them all together.  That’s when I decided to make this boro inspired piece, into a lovely needle book, with plenty of room for them all.  It’s about the same size as a paperback and it will be easy to find every time .

By the way I pre washed the linen and flannel as they do shrink.


Now all of the background has been stitched.  I’ve trimmed the edges to neaten .


Lay the piece on some linen and cut 2 pieces matching in size.   Cut two pieces of flannel in the same manner.

Now take one of the pieces of flannel an lay on the matching piece of linen, right sides together.  Sew a 3/8″ seam al around the edge leaving an opening for turning.  Repeat with the second two pieces.  Clip the corners, turn them both to the right side.  Press , slip stitch the openings closed .  These will be the pages.


Now now turning back to the book itself. I cut a 2 1/4″ strip then used that to bind the edges of the book.

Prepare binding strips for quilts Tutorial


Take the two “pages”  and top stitch around the edges  as pictured above  then fold each one in half, mark the centre and lay inside the book.image

Stitch along the centre of each page to the “spine” of the needle book.


Put the needles into the book.  Find needles at anytime in a beautiful needle book!


Using small scraps can make a unique and rewarding piece.

Ahh the beauty of scraps!

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All the best,


© Susan Stuklis 2016

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