Schlep It Good Bag Part 2

Schlep It Good Bag Part 2

Following on from Schlep It Good Bag Part 1.  Here’s is the link to Part 1.

Schlep It Good Bag and Pattern Part 1

Make the bag lining.

Lay the 1 metre piece of iron on interfacing onto the wrong side of the 1 metre of lining fabric.  Smooth out to avoid wrinkles.  Press well to attach.

Now fold the whole piece diagonally.  Cut along the diagonal to make two triangles.


Now lay the two triangles adjacent to each other so that the long side, the hypotenuse of the triangles become the top and the bottom of the piece as pictured below.


Put right sides together and sew the two pieces together using a 1/2″ seam allowance,  Press.

Now lay your finished quilted bag outside onto the lining piece, right sides together.  Pin.  This is now the templet for the bag lining.  Cut out carefully following the edge of the bag and being careful not to cut the bag outside.


Now you have a bag outer and a bag lining.

If you would like to add pockets to the inside of the bag, now is the time to do it.

Make the Pockets and Handles

Make two four patches, as pictured below from 8 of the 5″ x5″ squares.  Press.  Put the two four patches right sides together.


Sew around the outside leaving a 3″ opening for turning.  Clip the corners.  Turn to the right side.  Fold in edges of the opening.  Press.  Stitch across the opening for the length of the side.  That can be the pocket top.  To make the phone pocket, take three 5″x 5″ squares.  Join together.  Fold in half, right sides together.  Stitch around open edges leaving a 3″ opening for turning.  Repeat steps for the previous pocket.

Stitch the phone pocket to the Centre of the big pocket.


Attach to pocket to the lining.  Make sure it sits just above the zig zag lower  part of the bag as pictured below.


To make the bag straps, take the remainder 12 x 5″ x 5″ squares.

Sew two rows of six squares together.  Press in half longitudinally, wrong sides together.  Fold in the raw edges to the  centre.  Pin well and press.  Carefully sew down the long sides close to the edge to contain the fabric.  Repeat for each side then sew a seam down the centre of each strap followed by another stitching line on either side.  This helps to keep the straps nice and flat.


To be continued …. in Part 3…

Schlep it Good Bag Part 3


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