Rolling Scroll and Daisy Chain Free Motion Quilting
Hello Dear Friends and Readers,
There are times in the free motion journey, where there is an opportunity to quilt longer lengths of the the quilt. And with this in mind I am sharing with you today, how I have quilted my Floral Coins Antique Style quilt.
In keeping with the design of the quilt, I decided to follow the flow of it.
Once the quilt sandwich Free Motion Quilting Part 3 The Sandwich was well prepared, and before quilting the design, I have outline stitched in the ditch along the lengths of the floral coins. This is to fully stabilise the sandwich and allow for free motion in the sub spaces created, without distortion to the quilt. Taking time to do the outline quilting will result in a more superior finish and allow enjoyment of the free motion process!

By looking from the backing side here, you can see the straight lines are where I have quilted in the ditch.

I’m using a treadle machineto do the quilting. Specifically a Singer 31K20. Here is more about that.
Singer 31K20 Treadle & Free Motion Quilting
You can see again from the backing I have folded back, how the design looks more clearly. The two designs, the Rolling Scroll and the Daisy Chain are each stitched in a continuum and are easily achieved.

Here I how I did it.

The link to the Floral Coins Antique Style quilt it is here.
Floral Coins Quilt Antique Style
If you enjoyed this post, you may also like,
Quilting Clover Free Motion Tutorial.
All the best for your quilting,
©2019 Susan Stuklis
Do you happen to know the name or mfg of the pink cabbage rose fabric? Thank you