One a Day Hexagon Flowers

One a Day Hexagon Flowers

Helllo Dear Friends and Readers and a warm welcome to today’s post. Today I will share a bit of a different post from usual and share my current stitching project.

Currently I am on an adventure of a lifetime which has been long in the planning, but for which I still wanted to include a stitching opportunity. I am hamstrung in the sense that my stitching, for some weeks will be by hand.

My aim has been to stitch at least one of my Hexagon Flowers Antique Inspired each day to add to my collection. I have some at home and cut as many circles as possible to bring on the trip. By my calculations I may have done about 90 in total so far. Here are some from recent days.

One a Day Hexagon Flowers

Sailing into St John’s Newfoundland

Presently we are sailing into St John’s Newfoundland. They have a tradition of painting their houses in bright colours. Could be inspiration for a quilt!! What do you think?

One a Day Hexagon Flowers

So far we have taken a very long journey from Australia to London then onto Reykjavik in Iceland for the first part of our journey. We had a few days of touring around Iceland which was quite an extraordinary experience and so different from any Australian landscape. We traversed high flowing river crossings in giant 4 wheel drives fit for such purpose. We were able to view incredible waterfalls and the most amazing glaciers. We had a wonderful guide who was so personable and passionate about Iceland. Here she is Hanna. #hannaingibjorg (just in case you ever think of going there)

One a Day Hexagon Flowers
One a Day Hexagon Flowers

After our time in Iceland we boarded a ship to make our crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean to Greenland. I’m sorry to say that the crossing was a bit unsettled and I lost a couple of days to seasickness.

However, once we entered the sheltered fiords of Greenland we were in this magical land of dramatic cliffs iceburgs and glaciers. Truly a sight to behold. It was worth the journey. If you zoom in on the photo above you can see the giant glacier in the centre.

We had another unsettled crossing of the Labrador Sea.

I wasn’t able to stitch even One a Day of the Hexagon Flowers Antique Inspired but have managed to make up for it since.

We visited L’Anse aux Medows where there is a UNESCO site of a Viking settlement from Laif the Lucky, son of Eric the Red where they also have a recreated version of Viking village.

For those of us who like stitching, I came across this lady who was doing a cross between sewing and knitting to create the woolen style garments used by Vikings. she used a large needle like a sewing needle, but with a single thread of wool and with that she created a knitting style pattern.. she was making a hat.

One a Day Hexagon Flowers

We were told that women of the time who were not adept in craft activities, was grounds for men to divorce them. And if men were cowards that was grounds for women to divorce them.

I am struggling with the Internet here so I shall sign out. We are trying to escape Hurricane Ernesto. I will leave you with this beautiful image from Greenland.
To be continued…

One a Day Hexagon Flowers

All the best,


12 thoughts on “One a Day Hexagon Flowers”

  1. This is such an inspiring post! Your hexagon flower journey sounds so calming and productive. I love the idea of using circles to create the hexies; it’s a new technique for me, and I can’t wait to try it.

  2. For my Hexi’s I’m using squares of fabrics. I believe mine are bigger, I got the card stock shapes from JoAnn Fabrics, and getting all the flowers or whatever shapes to come together gets bulky the bigger it gets. I remove the cardstock after the Hexi has been surrounded by others then reuse them elsewhere.

  3. Love your collection of hexagons, Susie;))) I’ve never made them from circles–but will give it a try–looks faster than freezer papers which is what I have always used…I really like the deep rich colors in your fabrics…lovely work…
    Hope you don’t succomb to anymore seasicknesses–they are the worst!! Enjoy the rest of your journey…
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. And here was I assuming you were American! You’re Australian, like me. 🙂
    I’ll be doing almost the exact same trip next year, but continuing on to do a tour of Scandinavia, then a week in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. I have a friend I met in Antarctica who is from Latvia, so it was too good an opportunity to pass up, seeing as I was in the neighbourhood. It’ll be 5 weeks – and this isn’t counting the other 10 weeks travelling I’ll be doing in 20125 as well.
    Your photos are making me REALLY look forward to this one!

  5. What a wonderful trip you are on! Glad you’re able to find time for some hand sewing. Thank you for taking us along for your adventure!

  6. Hexies and I have traveled many miles together. Whether in our small RV or our 2013 mini van, hexies were the deal of the day. Once at our destination, hexies were on the move. I’ve had to “retrieve” them from a family pug, golden retriever, and boxer. The hexies won out, a bit chewed, and slobbery, but useable. …….

  7. Oh Susie, what a great adventure! Hope your sickness is over with and that you enjoy every minute of your remaining time on your trip.
    Are you by any chance coming to the states? Maybe Nashville, TN?

  8. Wow, what an amazing adventure you are on! Such amazing photos. Hope there is no more sea sickness in the rest of your journey!

  9. What an interesting adventure! I hope you have a lovely time in Newfoundland , a beautiful province of my homeland.

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