Quilting Nasturtiums – Free Motion – Singer 201K Treadle

Quilting Nasturtiums – Free Motion – Singer 201K Treadle

Hello dear friends and subscribers.  Today I am sharing some inspiration for Free Motion Quilting.  I’m free motion quilting nasturtiums, on a Singer 201K treadle.  I’m sure to some, this may seem arduous, but, I do not think so.

At the outset, I have to mention, it is by no means perfect, but that doesn’t really matter (in my experience), especially if the quilt is to be a utility quilt.  The overall effect is what matters in the end.  After all, the point of the quilting, is to bring all the layers together and stabilise them for the long term.

On this occasion, I’ve been very brave and used bright red thread.  By using such a stand out colour, any anomalies will also be highly evident, but, as I mentioned, I really do believe its the overall effect which is more important.

Nasturtiums have a lovely simple shape which makes a great subject for free motion quilting.

Nasturtiums come in an array of yellows oranges and reds up to a deep mahogany.  There are also purple varietés available and then varigations of all the above.

Here you can see how the quilting is progressing. The quilt I am quilting is made from the “Antique Tile Block Made Easy”. Here is the link.

Antique Tile Block Made Easy Tutorial

This treadle is a Singer 201k from 1947.   It’s a deceptively simple looking machine and cabinet,  but she sure sews like a beauty!

Singer 201K Treadle C1947

Here is short video to explain….

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