Tag Archives: Free Pattern

Pizza Slice

Ingredients for the dough

2 cups of strong bread flour, 2 teaspoons dried yeast
3/4 cup water
2 teaspoons raw sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil pinch salt

To make the dough base, into your mixing bowl,or bread maker on the dough cycle, put 2 cups of strong bread flour, I use a locally made crusty white mix, the yeast, water, pinch of salt, olive oil and raw sugar. Mix slowly at first until well combined, then continue mixing until the dough looks smooth and elastic. Rest until dough doubles in size.

Meanwhile, prepare a pan approximately, 20 x 30cm with baking paper. Once dough has rested, remove dough and stretch it into an oblong. No need to roll anything. Press it into the pan as close as you can get it to the edges. Drizzle a little olive oil.

Ingredients for topping

3 tablespoons of tomato passata or left over spaghetti sauce
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 onion
1 capsicum
3 chopped mushrooms
1/3 cup of pitted Kalamata olives
2 tablespoons of diced roasted eggplant or pumpkin
6 fresh basil leaves
1 cup of grated tasty cheese
freshly ground black pepper

Spread a couple of tablespoons over the base. Sprinkle with a little oregano. Now finely chop some onion, capsicum, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, cooked eggplant, or roasted pumpkin, some fresh basil, tasty cheese and freshly ground black pepper. The layer of vegetables on the top should be about 1 cm thick. The vegetables are interchangeable, you don’t have to use them all. Allow to stand and rise for one hour, until double in size, depending on ambient temperature. (See previous post on bread making).

Set oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Bake in the hot oven for about 30 minutes, this will vary according to the amount of topping. Remove when the topping is golden and bubbling. This can be served, hot, cold, for dinner or lunch or in small slices as finger food.