Tag Archives: Nine Patch Quilt

Ohio Star Blocks and Tutorial

Ohio Star Blocks and Tutorial.

Hello Dear Friends and Readers.

These Ohio Star Blocks are so much fun to make.  Although it seems like a lot of piecing, I’ve developed an easy way to make these blocks, and the best thing is, you can use up all sorts of fabric making them .  In essence, when you break it down,  this is a nine patch variation. It’s not hard and this method will give lovely clean points as you can see.

Maybe you would like to quilt along with me and make this Ohio Stars Quilt?  This is the first step.

Remember when Jenny Doan from the Missouri Star Quilt Company, showed us her method of making pin wheel blocks by sewing around the outside of two squares right side together?  And then slicing them on the diagonal to make the 4 half square triangle blocks?

I know there would be some quilters who would object to this method and find it’s technically incorrect because it means the bias is on the outside of the block, however this can be most advantageous for matching points.

Well I took this a step further and this is what I came up with.

Before you start, I must point out that I do always pre wash my fabrics.  Read why here.

To Wash or Not to Wash?…This is the Question

This block will finish at approximately 8″.  Seam allowances are a scant 1/4″.

Requirements for one Ohio Star block

2 x 5 1/4″ squares, one medium to dark and one light, neutral or low volume

4 x 3″ squares in a light, neutral or low volume fabric

1 x 3″ square in a complimentary medium to dark fabric for the centre


Place the two 5 1/4″ squares right side together.  Sew a scant 1/4″ seam around the outside of the block.

Slice across each diagonal to reveal 4 x half square triangle blocks.  Now comes the fun bit .  Use your ruler to slice each of these blocks exactly in half again, across the triangles.

Open them up.  Pair them up  to make 4 little hourglass blocks, ensuring that the centre seams nest and the side seam matches.  Chain sew the units.  Trim off the dog ears. Press gently.

Now lay out the nine patch with the neutral squares in the corners, the darker square in the centre and the hourglass blocks in between .

Sew the block together with your preferred method,  making sure the seams nest.  Gently press.

There is your Ohio Star!  Or Stars!

Click on the link to Part 2 of this Ohio Stars Block.

Ohio Star Blocks Part 2 Tutorial


If you enjoyed this post you may also like,

Hourglass Super Fast Blocks Tutorial


Charm Spool Blocks Tutorial

Happy sewing,
