What’s Cooking?…Hummus

What’s Cooking?…Hummus

I’ve always enjoyed eating Hummus.  I like to have some made and ready to go, in the fridge.  I often take some for lunch or afternoon tea.  My work collegues have often asked me what I’m eating…. , then today, when Debbie asked me for the recipe, I thought I might as well post it…..so we can all share some.  I always keep some dried chick peas in my pantry.  Great for salads too, like this one…

Creamy Chickpeas Salad

You may use the tinned variety, but the salt level will be higher.

I know you can buy pre-made hummus in the supermarket, but, honestly, it’s not the same as home made.  There is no need to be too hung up on amounts.  A little less or more of any of the ingredients will not really matter,.  It can be to your taste.

The list of ingredients is short, healthy and economical.


It’s makes a good amount, and Maybe you’ll think it’s too much, but it’s yummy, keeps well, and if iti s too much, share some with your family or friends or put half in the freezer for next week.  I often make up small dishes of it, and freeze to take for my lunch.

You can eat hummus as a dip with fresh vegetables, or crackers like these

What’s Cooking?…Lavosh Crackers

Or use it as a substitute for butter or a spread in sandwiches, add some salad, cold meat or even felafal for a complete meal.  Presently I’m loving it on grainy flatbreads either toasted or wrapped with salad sand fresh sweet tomatoes!  I believe you can’t go past this healthy, delicious, proteinatious with “good fats” dip!  A great snack without sugar to get you over that afternoon slump!

If I’m not making hummus then I will also make pestos, as a great spread or quick meal with pasta, meat or fish, like this one.

Pistachio Pesto

Incidentally you will find many recipes where people have adapted this dip with puréed Avacado, pumpkin or other  additives if you are keen for variation.  Personally I like to add fresh parsley, because adding fresh greens is always a bonus, and if it’s just for me…a little chilli is nice too.  Today, I’m using Australian dried McKenzie’s Chickpeas.  Or you can buy organic chickpeas or  beautiful fat chickpeas grown in the Ord River.


375G packet of dried chick peas or chickpeas of your choice
1/2 cup tahini
1/2 cup quality virgin olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 large or 2 small cloves of garlic
1 bunch fresh parsley
freshly ground black pepper to taste
a pinch of dried chillI (optional)

Wash the chick peas.  Pick them over to ensure there are no stones or unviable chickpeas.  They will usually stand out as looking discoloured or different.  Drain.  Cover well with fresh water and leave to stand overnight.


Drain the water.  Put into a medium saucepan and cover well with fresh water.  Put onto a medium heat and bring to a simmer.  Simmer until the chickpeas are soft.   Approximately 45 minutes.

Drain the chickpeas reserving some of the cooking water.  Allow to cool.

Put the chickpeas, in a large blender.


Add the cumin, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil and black pepper.  Take the stems off the parsley and add.   Blend all ingredients at high speed until smooth.  Add a little of the reserved cooking water if the mixture is very thick.


Check seasoning. Adjust to taste.  Refrigerate or freeze until required.  The flavors will improve and develop with standing.


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