Hello Dear Friends and Readers,
The other day when my stepmum Marion and her sister Annette came to visit, naturally we got to talking about quilts and sewing. Anne mentioned that she was keen to make a bean bag frog with her granddaughter. I was sure I had a pattern somewhere….
Well after turning the house upside down, I concluded that whatever pattern I had once, I could not find it.
So then there was no option but to start from scratch and draw a new frog.
I made a few attempts. I finally realised that my frog was a little …ahem…chubby. I decided my frog looked more like a toad. Then I did some reading about frogs and toads. Toads tend to be more nuggety with heavier legs as they are ground animals, whereas the frogs are slimmer and spend most of their time in or near water.
Actually, in Australia, Cane Toads are really considered to be a pest. They were imported here from Hawaii in the 1930’s in the belief that they would eradicate other pests. It turned out that they love Australian conditions and seem to be spreading further each year, beyond their initial warm tropical climate.
Believe it on not there are a lot of urban stories about cane toads and how they are killed on the roads. Some people even find them endering pets! Here is a link to a very entertaining albeit old, Australian documentary about Cane Toads. If you have never seen it, you have missed out!
So this is what I came up with. I think he is really rather cute! Please note that it is not suitable for small children.
Would you like to make one too? Read on…

Here he is climbing over my basket.

Finished size approximately 8” x 12”
All seams based on 1/4”
Make the Cane Toad Cutie Bean Bag Pattern
Using the photograph below as the guide, draw out the Cane Toad Cutie. Each square represents a scale of one inch by one inch. Please note that a 1/4” seam allowance is included. Use some one graph paper alternately, draw up a a grid with one inch as the scale.

Requirements for one Cane Toad Cutie Bean Bag
One Cane Toad Cutie Pattern
Two pieces of differing fabric each 9“ x 12“
Approximately 1/2 kilogram or 1 pound of beans, lentils, rice or wheat
Two buttons about 1 inch diameter

Cut out two of the Cane Toad Cutie shapes. Put them right sides together. Pin well. Starting at one side of the crutch, sew all around using a 1/4” seam. Use a small stitch length. Leave the crutch open.
Clip around the curves and corners. Turn to the right side. Use a chop stick to gently press them out. Fill with beans lentils, rice or wheat. Turn in the remaining seam allowance at the crutch. Hand stitch closed. Hand sew the two buttons on each side near the top of the head.

What will you do with your Cane Toad Cutie? Well they can just hang around because they are cute. Fun to hold and cuddle. He can be a rest for your mobile phone while its charging. You can use them as a hot or cold wheat pack for wherever ails you. They could be a door stop. I think they are quite theraputic as a toy to hold because of the beans. Kind of like worry beads!
If you enjoyed this post, these may be of interest too.
Hot Packs Two Ways and Pattern
Babushka Tactual Doll and Pattern
Have a great day!
Susie x
Thanks for these instructions. I’m going to attempt to make one—I like the fabric you chose for the demo. Decades ago s friend’s mother -in-law made these for all of her friends for doorstops out of brocade fabric. She said she had been making them for years and realized she needed to bak the beans for hours to make sure they would not start to grow. I wonder what beans are the best?
Thank you, Elsie. For taking the time to comment. I think I used wheat in mine. However, you do bring up an excellent point. I suppose if one lived in an area of high humidity it would probably be a good idea to pre-bake whatever grain is used in the Cane toad Cutie. If you were choosing a bean, I would choose a small variety like navy beans. You can also use cherry pits which work very nicely. You could pre-bake the beans or you could just microwave the cane toad for about a minute after construction.
Love this pattern sooooooo much.
Is there a printable pattern? Also, what size graph paper are you using?
Hi Elizabeth. I used an A4 piece of paper to draw out the pattern. I hope that helps.
What is a crutch? Did you mean crotch instead? 😊 he is really cute
Yes 😉
My kids are in their 50s now. When they were very young my aunt made them each a bean bag toad which they played with till the seams gave out and they leaked rice.
Thanks for bringing up good memories.
This is fantastic! I still have the one i made in grade 3, hand sewn with now would be known as “Vintage” fabrics and button eyes. Loads of fun to make and play with. Thank you for the rush down memory lane. We do not have cane toads in the Pacific Northwest but i have a sister in Australia and met a cane toad one night on the patio!!!
WOW….not seen one of these in FOREVER!!! Nice job.
This is so cute , but is it just me? I cannot for the life of me see a pattern to download.. am I just overlooking a clickable link somewhere? Merry Christmas 🙂
Dear Marlene,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I have adjusted to the post. There is a pattern which I hope will do the trick. 🙂
Hi Susie,
I absolutely love the can toad beanie bag! It smells lovely! Thank you so much 💗
Lots of Love,
Melissa 💗
Cute fabric for your toad. I’ll have to dig my pattern out. I believe mine consisted of four pieces having slightly curved seams down the center of the back and the center of the tummy. Wouldn’t swear to that but that’s what my old brain is remembering. Thanks for sharing your pattern.
Your fabric choice is so perfect for this little cutie! I can hardly wait to make mine! You come up with the best creations to share with all of us. Thank you!
Love it!
Thanks for the pattern. I’ve just watched half the video and will return to see the rest later *croak* haha
Just finished the 2nd half of video – I learnt a lot today about the Cane toad – very informative and ‘tongue in cheek’ humour 🙂