Quilted Christmas Scrappy String Stockings
Hello Dear Friends and Readers and welcome to a little pre Christmas scrappy festive project. Today I would like to share with you a scrappy Christas project which will use some leftover fabric string off cuts. Strings of fabric are so much fun to use and are always surprising and artistic. This project is a small one which will not take very long and will make a lovey addition to Christmas cheer for years to come, or gift for someone you love.
Being a string project, we do not want to be too uptight about it. They are only strings after all. I am using a mixture of traditional red green gold and white, however, I think any colours would probably look great, depending on your audience. ( I am fancying a pink one. 😉)
What is a string? For those who are not familiar, a “string” is a thin length of fabric which has been cut off. This is done usually to straighten an edge of yardage, squaring up quilt backings, really anywhere where there is a leftover strip of fabric which you may not ordinarily use. It can be thick or thin or even crooked, it doesn’t matter. As a guide, maybe any width about or less than 1 1/2” wide will do it. Depending on how many strings you save and whether or not you wish to use them for quilt making. Here is some examples of how they can be used.
Crazy Little Strings – Diamond Charms Quilt Block and Tutorial
Anyhow, times a wastin’ lets just do it. Can I suggest making two at a time so that you can keep continuity with your piecing. Either that or use it as an Inbetween project. That is, “Inbetween” seams!
Seams based on 1/4”
Finished size approximately 17” x 13”
Requirements for each of the Quilted Christmas Scrappy String Stockings
1 of the stocking pattern drawn onto kitchen paper or newspaper.
Fabric strings
1 scrap piece of batting approximately 17” x 13”
2 of a plain backing/ lining of homespun, calico or 17” x 13”
1 of a pattered or plain focus fabric for the back also 17” x 13”
2 yards/metres of 2 1/2” binding which has been cut on the diagional
Double these ingredients if you are going to make two at a time like me.

Make the paper pattern
I used some kitchen sandwich paper, the unwaxed kind. It’s thin and tears fairly easily.
Draw the stocking shape onto the paper. Make an extra one if you are going to make two.
Cut out the stocking shape.

If you do not wish to draw your own pattern or you prefer a different shape you could use some printable patterns such as these.
Making the Quilted Christmas Scrappy String Stockings
I am making two stockings at a time so that I always have something under my needle. Starting from the “ankle” area of the stocking pattern on the paper, lay across the first string right side up and the next string right side down on top of the first string. Use a small stitch length to sew a seam approximately 1/4”. Precision is not necessary. Open up the second string. Finger press. Keep adding strings to each side until the stocking is full. If desired use a light coloured and wider string for the cuff of the stocking. Turn over to the back side. Trim the strings to the edge of the paper pattern. Turn over and add one more thicker string obliquely across the heel area. You will see I have chosen red. Trim the edges off the diagonal piece. Carefully remove the papers from the back.
Lay the string stocking on to of the batting. Lay the batting on top of one of the lining fabric. Quilt the stocking. I just stitched in the ditch of all the seams.
Once it is quilted, trim off the excess batting to the edge of the stocking.
Prepare the back. Lay the 13” x 17” backing piece right side down. Lay the 13” x 17” lining piece on top of that. Now lay the stocking on top.
If you haven’t done so already, prepare your 2 yards/metres of binding strip. This must be cut across the diagonal of the fabric for best results as it will be going around curves.
Prepare binding strips for quilts – Tutorial
Use the stocking as the pattern to cut out the back.
Apply a strip of binding to the top of the stocking and the two backing pieces.
Machine stitch in place.
Turn the binding over to the other side and hand stitch in place. Put the stocking front on top of the stocking back. Starting at the top of the stocking stitch the two stocking pieces together leaving the bound tops open.
Add the Binding
Beginning at the top right side of the stocking, leave a tail of binding approximately 8” in length. This will become the hook/handle.
Stitch the binding all the way around the edge of the stocking. Leave a tail of about 3/4” on the other end to turn over and neaten the end. Turn over to the back and hand stich in place.
Turn the tail in one third and then over to enclose the raw edges including the end. Hand stitch to finish.

Stitch the tail end to the back of the top of the baking to make the hook.
There is the Quilted Christmas Scrappy String Stocking.
I made a little one as well just for fun. Same method but smaller.
These are for my two little Christmas Stars. Here is the latest arrival. He’s a little angel.
To all my friends and readers, I hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas, wherever you are in the world and whatever you end up doing on the day. Whether you are with a crowd or a few or even if you are on your own, maybe there will be a chance to make a few stitches which always feels good.
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Merry Christmas.
Susie 2021.