End of Day Quilters Holiday Basket

 End of Day Quilters Holiday Basket

Hello Dear Friends and Readers.  Maybe you are looking for a quick holiday project!  Something you can make and use for all sorts of things!  Also a great way to clean up your sewing space!  Even though I have been making some string blocks recently,  Strings and Things….

Strings n Things 

I still had enough strings to make another basket. As you know from my previous posts, as Quilters we can make these beauties practically for free, with the seemingly unusable fabric offcuts and equipment we have already.  Just add some skeins of cotton rope and away we go!

I’ve been looking forward to actually creating a project on my most recent beautiful green machine…

In Memory of Joyce

That is the machine I am stitching on today. In my previous posts I have explained how to prepare your rope with “waste strings”.

Scrap Wrap Get Ready! 

And a full tutorial on how to construct these baskets you will find in this link….

End of Day Quilters Basket & Free Tutorial 

So without further ado, this is how I did it.

Ingredients for the Holiday Basket

Approximately 1 1/2 skeins of 6mm cotton rope
Fabric waste strings
Cotton or polyester thread

Heavy gauge needle 90 or 100



Prepare your rope as described in previous links.   Set your machine to a wide zig zag.  Begin by rolling the end of the rope into a small round.  Make sure that the round will come off to the left as you sew and the basket gets bigger.
Stitch slowly, adjusting and turning gradually.  Backstitch if necessary to secure the centre.  Sew around for approximately 16 rounds.  Now tilt the base to sew the next row.  Keep it in the tilted position almost to a right angle.

Try to keep it as even as possible.

Continue in the same manner for about 15 rows.

Now make the handles.  Mark the spot on each side of the centre basket top, for the position of the two handles.  Now keep a length of about 20″ free.  Hope you can see my pins marking the midpoints.

Lay down the next part of the wrapped rope about 4″ on each side of the handle mark, leaving the 20″ length free.  Stitch along until, 4″ from the opposite centre point.  Leave another 20″ free length.  Then begin stitching again after 4″ from that centre mark.

Now continue sewing around for another round sewing all along the handles too.  Keep the handles at right angles to the basket as pictured.

Finish after sewing two handle rounds just before beginning another handle.  Sew they two handles together at the centre point for about 2″.  Enjoy your holiday.  You can use this basket for fruit, transporting  small goods or for a project you are working on.  Have a wonderful day!

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Easter Basket


End of Day Quilters Chicken Egg Basket & Tutorial

Happy Scrapping!
