Tag Archives: Free Pattern

Scrap Fabric Baskets

 Following on from, Obsession with pre cuts / make your own…

Fabric baskets;

Once the fabric has been cut into all these various sized scraps, the next question comes…. Where to store them until they are sewn up. I thought the obvious answer was to make pretty scrap baskets using my pre cuts.

That way, I can have these small pieces I previously prepared, next to the sewing machine ready to sew up. So they are organised in size. A small basket for 1 1/2″ squares, for 2″squares, for half square triangles and so on.

Part of my rationale was so that I could follow the example of Bonnie Hunter (quiltville.com) in reference to her discussions on Leaders and Enders. I took her advice, so that I could always have something under the needle. Thank you Bonnie for your inspiration. The only trouble is…I find I’m more excited about the scraps than the other projects. So instead of these being something to sew in between piecing other things, at times they have become the focus.

The other fantastic thing about following this method, apart from all the other things like saving thread and time, often when starting to sew on small pieces the machine want’s to draw the fabric down towards the feed dogs. I finds this method all but eliminates that problem. It makes piecing small pieces a breeze, and quite addictive.

If you would like to make one or some of these baskets, please click on the link below for the Quilted Scrap Fabric Baskets Tutorial.  Have fun!

Quilted Scrap Fabric Baskets – Tutorial