Woven Pine Tree Quilt Block
Hello Dear Friends and Readers and welcome to today’s post. Christmas is coming and there’s nothing like the smell and look of a fresh pine tree for Christmas.. With that in mind, I thought we could make some Pine Tree Blocks which I am calling Woven Pine Tree Quilt Block. I came up with this idea during the process of making these recent Christmas Pine Tree Half Log Cabin Block
As most of you would know I am truly inspired by antique and vintage quilts. If you have ever seen antique Pine Tree or Tree of Life quilt, you would know that this block involves the piecing of many half square triangle units. These would take some considerable time to make.
Today the block I am sharing with you is a similar shape but way way easier to construct!
This quilt block is based on the Log Cabin Variation – Scrappy Half Log Cabin or Quarter Log Cabin Quilt Block Tutorial
I realized that this could easily make a Pine Tree Quilt Block, which would be both scrappy and easy to put together. Log Cabin Blocks really are the perineal quilt block of all time and are also so adaptable! I think that we should proceed without any further ado.
So get out your Christmas fabrics or any red and green scraps (or colours of your choice) to make these blocks.
Block size 10 1/2” x 10 1/2”
All seams are based on 1/4 inch. All the strips are cut at 2″ width.
All the strips in this block can be as scrappy as you like or they could be in a solid of your choice or you can mix up green and red to make it more like a decorated Christmas tree. Or use various greens and blues would be another suggestion. It is up to you.
Requirements for Woven Pine Tree Quilt Block
One of 3“ x 3“ brown coloured. square.
Two of 2“ x 2“light coloured background squares
One of 3″ x 2″ strip
Two of 4 1/2” x 2” strip
Two of 6″ x 2″ strip
Two of 7 1/2” x 2″
Two of 9” x 2”
One of 10 1/2” x 2″ strip
Two of 5“ x 5“ light coloured background squares. .

Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the four background squares.

Assembling the Woven Pine Tree Quilt Block
Place a 2″ background square to one side of the 3″ x 3“ brown square right sides together. Sew diagonally down the 2 ” square using the drown line as your guide. Bear in mind, it can be a good idea to sew slightly one thread to the right so that when you trim the excess from the square, and fold it back, it will still be at 3″ x 3″.

Trim back to the seam to 1/4 of an inch. Press toward the corner. Do the same for the opposite corner. Press. This is now your tree trunk.

With right sides together, sew a 3“ x 2“ strip to the top side one side of the pine tree trunk.

Press toward the strip.
To the opposite side, sew a 4 1/2” x 2” strip in the same manner. Continue adding the rest of the strips alternately to the same way to the same two sides using the quarter inch seam and pressing between each addition.

Here is the half log cabin with a tree trunk.

Place a 5″ background square to one corner of the side of the tree right side together. The drawn line should be vertical. Use the line as a guide to sewing.

Do the same to the opposite corner. Trim out the excess from underneath these two corners. Press the block flat.

This Woven Pine Tree Quilt Block, can now be the basis for quilt or table runners for Christmas or it would make terrific placemats or potholders. You can leave them sitting on their sides or you could set them on point. Whatever is your fancy…. Use up some scraps for these. You can use scrappy background, fabrics or make them all the same. To my mind. scrappy is always great. It’s amazing how little bits of old fabric can look beautiful when you bring them all together..
Christmas always seems to come up so quickly! I hope this can inspire you to do a little bit of Christmas sewing too.
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All the best,
© Susan Stuklis 2024