Susie’s Garden Lap Quilt and Free Pattern
Most of the quits I have made are just for love and I have given them away but, this is one quilt which I made for myself. It is not fancy or difficult but I love it.
I just adore florals and so for a long time I collected ones that I liked. I sewed squares of them together to represent a floral garden.
This quilt has travelled with me, it’s on my lap when I’m watching TV (or catching a few zzzz) I feel happy under it.
I just love utilitarian quilts which can be used and loved.
This quilt is a simple construction and it is lap sized. Would also make a great gift or charity quilt or one you really neeeeed for yourself.
Finished quilt size 44″ x 55″.
Instructions to make Susies Garden Lap Quilt
All seams based on 1/4″.
All fabrics have been washed and lightly pressed before use.
You will need 80 of 6″ x 6″squares of floral fabrics, (finishing at 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″, assuming all seams are based on 1/4″). The squares will be laid out in a 8 x 10 configuration.
Use at least 10 different floral fabrics to create variation.
Sew four patches of four squares to make a total of 20 blocks. Press your blocks. Ensure no two same squares are next to each other.
Lay out your blocks 4 x 5 ensuring no two same fabrics abut.
Sew the blocks together. Press. There is your quilt top. Quilt and bind as desired. Have fun using it.
If you would like to see another easy quilt here is a link.
if you enjoyed this post, you may also like these posts,
Susie’s Roses Romance Quilt and Free Pattern
Floral Coins Quilt Antique Style
Happy days,
All the best,
Had so much fun doing this! Was going to do it in memory of my sister until i realized she only grew veggies. Used 5″ squares from my scraps. Included birds, bees, butterflys, fairies, a gnome, potted plants, herbs, dragonflys and a kitty. Because my kitty used to come, sit in front of me and stare at exactly 8 pm every night for a stroll thru the garden. Silly, but so much fun!
I made in a twin size. It is beautiful
I almost cried when i saw the name of this quilt. My sister Susie
passed away a long time ago. She was a gardener. I will be making this
in her memory. Thank you for the inspiration!
Can you make a quilt without a sewing machine?
Of course. All you need is needle and thread to get started.
I just made this quilt for an elderly neighbour of mine who sadly has to give up her home and beautiful gardens. It is so pretty and full of the flowers that she loved. It is simple to make and I am going to make one for myself.
I have never had much interest in quilting, even though I sew and machine embroider. Many quilt designs are much to busy for me. Even though this quilt has so much color and many florals I think it is beautifully simplistic. I am ordering fabric today to make this quilt. Thank you for the inspiration
I am a very beginner quilter and not good with measurements. I bought ten different floral fabrics my question is how many squares do I cut for each fabric. I love the design on this quilt and can’t wait to get started.
Dear Cathy, I’m delighted. You need to cut eight squares from each fabric. I really Hopetoun enjoy the project! Susie
I love floral pattens mix patterns no rules free to express what u feel love making small & larger projects. They just evolve into masterpieces. Love being a free spirit
Love your quilt! I’m making one for a friend who is a keen gardener. I’m using lightweight furnishing fabric sample books, including a couple of designers guild ones and have some red and grey to hint at a garden wall and rockery. I’ve also got a lattice design to suggest a green house. I’m going to use rectangles and squares to try to make the design more irregular. Thank you for the inspiration
Wonderful! 💕
Susie, I just love all of your quilts, but then I saw your Garden Lap Quilt and I lost my breath. That quilt is the simplest of any quilt made, but I think it is the prettiest quilt of any that I have ever seen. It is true, they say that the most beautiful is the easiest, it is just a simple square . I am sorry, I just can’t get over it. People work so hard over the most intricate patterns and pieces and then there is this ONE.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful floral quilt 🙂 with it’s easy instructions , truly an inspiration , I’ve been collecting floral fabrics for a while now , and should have more than enough to create a beauty like this one 🙂 Very greatful Wendyann (Poppiesplace)
Can you explain what you mean by “You will need 80 x 6 inch squares, finishing at 5 1/2 inches of floral fabrics.” Is it 80 6 x 6 inch squares with a 5 1/2 inch border. Or is the “border” squares 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 and the rest 6 x 6 inch?
Theresa Wright I think (I can always be wrong) she is saying 80 of 6×6″ squares which when you sew them they will be 5 1/2 x 5 1/2. Providing you use a 1/4″ seam allowance.
Six inch squares, after sewing, measure 5-1/2 inches when you use a 1/4 inch seam all around.
She meant 80 of the 6″ x 6″ squares.
How much fabric will be needed for each of the 10 different prints?
Dear Nancy, with careful cutting you could probably use 10 fat quarters. Or if you have yardage, you could rotary cut 6″ widths from about 14 different prints – give or take depending on the width of your fabric.
Thank you for the information. This quilt is so pretty!
Would it work as well with 5″ squares? I’m not good at curring and 5″ers are already cut! 😁
Dear Lana, Of course. 💖 Just add a few more squares to increase the size…
You can use any size square that you want. That’s the beauty of quilting. It is very flexible !
Yes it will just be a smidge smaller
I never get tired of looking at this beautiful work and the colors. You are so talented and very inspiring Susie.
Would this still work using mostly large floral which have a black back ground
Of course!
Thank you, I am going to see if I can find a couple of Black and white large floral fabrics this may help with the placement of the blocks and just lighten it a little.
I have only just seen this and it’s now 05/2017 your quilt is wonderful I love how you have made the whole quilt just using floral fabrics. Thank you. Marg
What size is your finished quilt! I love it but wanted to know the final size before starting one. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Trina, Thats a pleasure. The finished quilt is 44″ x 55″.
I love your quilt because I too love florals as I do love seeing flowers bloom in the garden, now you can have your garden inside on your lap !!
Getting all my floral squares together and going to make myself a flower garden quilt, so pretty.
I love this quilt. My name is Patrick. My mother taught me how to quilt a year ago. I find it very relaxing. I have been putting floral fabrics aside to make a quilt with them. The florals I have been collecting are tiny floral patterns. I’m going to lay some out and see how it will look in this pattern. I do think it will look great. Thank you for sharing your quilt.
Wow. Super simple, but awesome! Will be at the seeing machine today : ) Thank you.
You have given me so much inspiration tho it’s the middle of the night and i have to work tomorrow. But i can’t wait to start on this quilt. Thank You!!
Im so delighted! Please feel free to post to my timeline if you do x
So pretty
I absolutely fell in love with this quilt. It just goes to show that sometimes simplicity in design can be so beautiful and eye-catching. I’m making it for my mother-in-law, who just entered assisted living and can no longer enjoy her flowers that she grew at home. Had such fun finding all the beautiful floral fabrics. Then, I’m going to make one for my daughter!
I love this quilt, it looks like summer. Thank you for sharing.
Looks like a Spring flower garden