End of Day Quilters Basket
Hello dear Friends and Readers,
Quilters have a lot of string scraps. It is a quilter’s dilemma on what to do with those leftover strings. There are many slogans circulating on how quilter’s collect fabrics such as – “She who dies with the most fabric wins” – really! Unfortunately our love for fabric in the modern era is all too real because it is so plentiful. I suspect we fall into two camps, the keepers of the strings and the non keepers. I suspect many of us fall into the camp of the Keepers, because we love fabric. It’s natural. But it’s finding reason, purpose and beauty to translate those leftover strings of fabric, to something as utilitarian as quilts can be. My idea is derived from the same original beginnings of quilt making, of cobbling pieces together to make a cover of warmth and beauty to use these strings for a purpose. A further dilemma for the modern quilter’s is the fact that we now have so much beautiful fabric to choose from. And whist it is obvious to say we’ll throw it out, (the leftovers), I have a suspicion that goes against the grain of a lot of quilters.
For these reasons, and because I too love textiles, I designed these baskets to use all the left over string scraps, to utilize them, to make beautiful baskets such as this “End of Day” Quilters Basket. These are the strings too, which may be too narrow to utilise into string quilt blocks. My inspirations for these baskets come from the beauty of the fabric strings which can often be considered rubbish or discarded by quilters, and a concept called “End of Day Glass”. Although, this is considered to be the incorrect term for this type of glass more correctly known as “Spatter Glass”. See images of Spatter Glass here.
Spatter Glass Identification Guide | Glass Encyclopedia
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All the best,