Tag Archives: End Of Day Quilters Basket

Making a new “End of Day” Quilters Basket

Making a new “End of Day” Quilter’s Basket.

Happy Mothers Day!

These baskets are great fun to make.  Whats more, it’s using the strings I cut off from quilting, that would normally be thrown away.  That really is half the battle.  The fabric is already cut.  And you could say its free, because for most people it would be just waste.

As I cut fabric and straighten the edges on my yardage I just put all these strings into a bag as I go.

This bag measuring about 10″ x 15″is full of string scraps.  Would you believe that there is about 5 yards / meters of fabric by weight in this bag!  In Australia fabric is still expensive, can be $22 – a meter.  That’s about $100 – worth of fabric.  Not to be sneezed at….

More about this here

Scrap Wrap – Get Ready!

So here’s my latest basket in progress for your perusal.  Check out the tutorial for more details of how I do it.

Oh incidentally.  Choose a thread color that takes your fancy. You can use up your old over-locking thread too.  I’m using pink for this one.

Have fun and use up some of your beautiful scraps!  I think they are just to pretty to throw out 🙂

Here is the link to the tutorial



Here is the finished Basket /Handbag.

Enjoy using your quilting off-cuts!

Happy Mother’s Day,

All the best,
