Scrappy Patchwork Bunny
Hello Dear Friends and Readers. Today is a good day for a little scrappy project! Use what you have to create one or a few of these delightful scrappy bunnies. A great way to bring your little scraps to life and surely a smile to someone’s face.
We are fast reaching the time of the year which is celebrated by so many people around the world both religiously and commercially. Unfortunately, the commercial aspect of the holiday seems to dominate. Since the day after Christmas, I have seen Hot Cross Buns in the shops and growing shelves of brightly coloured chocolates and sweets. I don’t know if I am just getting older but, I find that many commercial chocolates, just don’t taste that good anymore. I have often thought that surely, the quality of the ingredients has lessened over time to meet the demand… but thats just me. ….
I also see that many younger mothers are more health conscious and would prefer that their children are not offered an abundance of chocolates anymore, which must be wise.
Having inspiration from vintage creations and quilts and the looming Easter Holidays, I wanted to make some little suitable token for the event. I have at times admired the kind of quilts that are made using the Scottie Dog which has also been made into little toys. So I got to thinking how nice it would be to make a little scrappy patchwork bunny instead! So that is what I did.
If you have previously made my Scrappy Baskets, it will be a cinch.
Quilted Scrap Fabric Baskets – Tutorial
Are you ready? Not much is required. Enjoy!
Finished size 8“ x 5“.
Requirements for one Scrappy Bunny
78 of 1 1/2“ x 1 1/2“ squares
Small amount of polyester fibre fill
20“ of ribbon approximately and extra small pieces as desired
Instructions for Construction of one Scrappy Bunny
Lay out 23 of the 1 1/2“ squares as pictured. One row of 5 for the base. Then four rows of three centred on the row of five. Followed by two vertical sets of three squares at each side of the top to make the ears.

Sew together using a scant 1/4“ seam. Use a small stitch length and try to match up the seams as much as possible.
Repeat the above steps using another 23 squares. This will become the front and back of the bunny.
Scrappy Patchwork Bunny
Chain piece the remaining 32 squares into one continuous long length. Press the pieces.
With right sides together, and beginning at the bottom edge, sew the long piece to one of the bunny pieces. Use the scant 1/4“ seam. Stop approx 1/4“ from the end of each seam when ready to turn.
Keep the needle down and pivot the fabric to change direction and realign the strip. Use a pin or stiletto to persuade the fabric into the right position.

Keep the needle down and pivot the fabric to change direction and realign the strip. Use a pin or stiletto to persuade the fabric into the right position.

Attach all the way around the perimeter of the bunny. Join the side seam together at the end. It will be like a vertical wall around the Patchwork Bunny front.

Lay the bunny back onto the bunny front and sides aligning it correctly.

Leaving an opening for turning, begin sewing at the base carefully pivoting at each corner to attach the back. Sew slowly for best results.

Turn the bunny through the opening. Use a chopstick or similar to push out the ears and feet.

Stuff the bunny through the opening. Break the polyester fibrefill into small pieces to facilitate the stuffing. Use the chopstick to push it into the ears if necessary. Put in enough the fill the shape without overstuffing so the bunny is still soft to hold.

Turn in the 1/4“ seam. Hand stitch the opening closed using small stitches.
Tie the ribbon around the centre. Now you have one bunny.
I made a few more.

They are quite playful.

I think these will be a lovely comforting gift for someone this Easter or at anytime really, don’t you think? Soft and cuddly. And not fattening!
Hoping you all have a happy and healthy Easter. Best Wishes,
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Happy Sewing