Scrappy Yankee Puzzle Block Made Easy
I have been working on a puzzle – Yankee Puzzle Block that is. Are you up for the challenge? You could cut out all the seperate pieces… Or you could come along with me for a fun fast ride!
Hello Dear Friends and Readers,
The other morning, I was checking through some of my past posts., When I had an epiphany! I realised, when reading through The Hourglass Super Fast post,
Hourglass Super Fast Blocks Tutorial
that I could expand on that concept, to create a new and super easy way of making the Yankee Puzzle block!
Let’s go! Please note that we will be making two blocks at a time. Read all instructions before commencement.
Each block will measure 8”x 8”.
Requirements for two Scrappy Yankee Puzzle Blocks Made Easy
16 of 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ squares made up of four sets of four. That is two sets of four light squares and two sets of medium to dark squares.
From the 16 of 3 1/2” x 3 1/2” squares, sew four sets of four patches. The the lighter squares should diagonally oppose each other. The darker squares should also diagionally oppose each other. There should be two matching sets of of four patches. Boy does this make sense? A picture tells a thousand words.

Press the blocks.

Now put these two sets of two blocks right sides together using one of each block. All the patches should be opposing. That is, each dark square should be opposing a light square and so on.

Make sure that the centres and seams are perfectly nested. Pin.
Take to the sewing machine. Sew a quarter inch seam all around the outside of the block. Repeat for the second set.

Take both to the cutting mat. Place your ruler on the diagonal, ensuring it also matches the centre point. Cut with the rotary cutter. Do the same on the other diagonal. Open out the units.

Repeat with the second set. Open out all the eight units. Trim off all the doggy ears. Using units from each set, you will be able to make two Yankee Puzzle Blocks. Play around to make sure your puzzles are going in the same direction.

Arrange the units so the you will see a pinwheel on point in the centre.

Please treat these units with care because they are on the fabric bias.
Sew them into the two Yankee Puzzle Blocks. I just love they way they look!

Isn’t this fun!
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If you are wonder which machine I am treadling on today it is this one.
Happy sewing,
Thanks for this. Just been looking at your other links. I’m sat here mulling over what to try when I should be peeling the veggies for our evening meal. I need to come back later
This is great – thanks Susie