Hexagon Stars Diamond Circles Quilt – Part 5 Making the Columns
Hello Dear Friends and Readers and welcome to today’s post. I am excited to be putting this quilt top together now. Here is the link to the previous post Hexagon Stars Quilt Antique Inspired – Part 4 Diamond Circles
For those of you who may have missed earlier posts, I started this top as a portable hand piecing project two years ago. Stitching by the Pool – Six Pointed Stars Antique Inspired
That might seem like a long time but it also shows the cumulative benefit of time and what can be done in spare moments. In all honesty I have really enjoyed the process. The trick is to make sure that some pieces are prepared and organised into a little project bag which is ready to go at any time. Here is a link to the project bags I use.
Patchwork Celebration Bags – Antique Japanese Style – Tutorial
During the last 18 months when my MIL was ill, it was a comforting therapy to have with me as we often travelled interstate to help her whilst she was ill and to be with her.
I can highly recommend having a hand piecing project within easy reach, as we never know what lies ahead……
Anyhow, this is not a negative post, I have just returned from a yoga retreat, which was a true challenge for sure. My aim is to try and stay as fit and flexible as possible so that I can keep on doing the things I love including maintaining this blog and making quilts which I can share with you all. Whilst on retreat I was able to put my columns together in the evenings.
Hexagon Stars Diamond Circles – Making the Columns
I have made seven columns and in the last post I showed how I added three of the four patch diamonds to most of the stars like this. Hexagon Stars Quilt Antique Inspired – Part 4 Diamond Circles
There will be four full columns of six stars alternating with three columns of five stars with a half star at each end. Here are the two different columns.
In order to finish the columns of five star blocks I cut a star block in half with the rotary cutter.
It is just a matter of stitching the stars together into the columns, then the seven columns are ready to be stitched together.
These are added to the ends of the three columns of five stars.
Here are all the seven columns laid out ready to be sewn together.

Hexagon Stars Diamond Circles – Finishing the Sides
I cut four of the rose pink and white diamonds in half to fill in at the ends of the four columns of six stars.

I understand that this may not be the most correct way to finish these ends, however, the truth is, that I ran out of the rose pink fabric so it was the best solution. Finished is better than perfect! Besides that it simplifies the process.
For the sides I added leftover triangles previously cut from making the hexagon stars. and a half triangle at the four corners to square it up.

Hand Stitching the Seven Columns Together
I found it most helpful to use binding clips to hold the columns together while I was stitching them. It’s way easier than using pins and it avoids being pricked by the pins during the process. Because it’s necessary to pivot along each column to accommodate the triangles and diamond shapes, the binding clips hold the fabric in place nice and firmly. this makes the process very easy and enjoyable.
I will be looking forward to hand quilting this top.
I hope you are enjoying some stitching today.
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© Susan Stuklis 2024
This is so beautiful. You have amazing perseverance.
Beautiful quilt top Susie. Lovely colours too. Haven’t done hand sewing for a while – it was what I loved most!
This is a beautiful quilt! Piecing by hand is very relaxing. Happy stitching!