Quick Bind Every Time – Tutorial

Quick Bind Every Time – Tutorial

Oh Boy!  Whether you love or ….less than love, binding, would you like to make it easier and quicker?

Here is how!

Hello Dear Friends and Readers,

I’m hoping to make your binding experience better.  And this is how.  I alway have mixed feelings about finishing a quilt.  Happy, because the quilt will be completed, but in some ways a bit sad, because that journey is over.  Having said that, I’m usually battling the clock , when it comes to the binding.

I’ve come up with this awesome way to make the binding experience sooo much easier.

Prepare at  least a few hours before, or the night before, make your binding strip.

Prepare binding strips for quilts Tutorial

When I get close to finishing the quilting on a quilt (like a few inches from the edge, I will take it to a machine with a wide zig zag setting.  Making sure all the layers are flat, zig zag all around the perimeter of the quilt top, encasing the three layers.  (Now I can finish the quilting easily up the edges).

After the quilting is completed, trim the excess batting and backing fabric.  This is now so easy because of the zig zag edge.  You can see my zig zag stitching after the trimming in the image below.

Today I am finishing this quilt top, which I plan to keep because I love all the fabrics and simple design.

Floral Coins Quilt Antique Style


Now set your roll of binding strip near the centre of one long side of the quilt edge.  (I don’t bother pinning anymore)  Leave a tail of about 10 inches for joining later.  Now begin sewing your binding strip as usual.  It will be easy to unroll the grinding strip as you go.

Here is another view.

Sew right up to the corners, then turn the fabric back to make a right angle and begin the next side.

If you are looking for some quilting inspiration, you may like this,

Quilting Strawberries

Make sure that you position some chairs or an extra table next to your machine to support the weight of your quilt.  This will make it much easier to attach the binding strip neatly and evenly.

Now you can see, the completed binding strip.  It is all ready for the hand sewing.  I love this bit.  So nice to sit on the lounge with the completed quilt and hand stitch the binding.  💕

Oh don’t forget to add your quilt label too!

Happy sewing!

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