Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

Hello Dear Friends and Readers, welcome and I hope your Easter season was peaceful, ”pieceful” and happy.

You may recall, I recently posted the Crossed Canoes Quilt Block Antique Inspired Made Easy Crossed Canoes Quilt Block Antique Inspired Made Easy

Today I would love to share an update of how it is progressing.

I spent some time just doing the cutting of the 5” squares. I decided to cut squares from a colour scheme of browns, blacks, greens, blues, and a touch of pink and red with an assortment of differing light fabrics to off set them. I was thinking of quietly kayaking or canoeing, along a creek or river overhung with trees, and where dappled light filters through the branches and the magical and quiet reflections of the trees look back at you from the dark waters. Or paddling through Mallee country negotiating their snare like roots which quietly spread out from the banks of creeks and rivers. I captured this beautiful image in a secluded creek on a recent trip, which embodies some of those feelings for me.

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

Here is my nice stack of 5” x 5” squares ready to be dissected.

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

Next I cut the squares up as I have previously described in the link. Crossed Canoes Quilt Block Antique Inspired Made Easy

I then bundled them up into little bags to keep them in their little groups all ready for stitching.

This block is in its essence a four patch. But really its a four patch in a four patch, so is it an uneven double four patch? Previously I have discussed this concept too in Uneven Four Patch like this Uneven Four Patch Block Tutorial

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

It really is nice to have them set out ready at the machine to begin sewing. I am using one of my trusty old treadles. Singer 15 C1902.

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

So far I have made 20 blocks. I think they are looking great. I think my accuracy of the piecing has improved from the first one too. Everything has a learning curve, don’t you think?

Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks
Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks

I will make some more and get back to you with the progress.

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Happy sewing


© 2022

3 thoughts on “Crossed Canoes Quilt Blocks”

  1. I live your technique for Crossed Canoes quilt blocks. Have you done any other size blocks? If so, will you share your measurements for creating different sizes?

  2. Oh, that’s a striking block! and very handsome with your fabric choices. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

    I had to smile when I saw the little “doily” under your thread spool! (We have a 1910 27-4 with the same “gingerbread” decal set. Haven’t got it running yet …)

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