Tag Archives: Free Pattern

Scrap Great Granny Squares Quilt Revival

Scrap Great Granny Squares Quilt Revival

Hello Dear friends and Readers, I first posted about making Scrappy Great Granny Square Blocks a few years ago now. Sadly the blocks got put away in a drawer to be looked at some other time…… I still really love these blocks and as you all know, I am all about the scraps.

The good news is that my stash of 2 1/2“ x 2 1/2“ squares had steadily grown, so I thought it is time to revive this project and make some more! So today I am sharing the progress of these blocks. I believe it is a very good sign when a project is still very appealing even if time has gone by.

It is really good to know that this block works well with all scraps. You will see from the photos that even directional prints or odd squares can find a nice home here in these blocks. Another positive is that even if you only have one of a particular square, it can become the centre square or it can join in on a round with other similar colour squares.

The only extra thing required is some background fabric. I have used white but there is no reason why you couldn’t choose any other colour or even black as the background. (lots of granny Square crocheted rugs had a black background) here is some history of the crochet Granny Square https://www.hanjancrochet.com/history-of-the-granny-square/ How it came to be a quilt block I really do not know.

Here is a link to my original tutorial which will give the requirements and method for the blocks.

All the blocks are trimmed to 12“ x 12“

Requirements for the Scrap Great Granny Squares Blocks

Scrap Great Granny Square Block Tutorial

See how these directional prints can work. Some of these fabrics are bits left over from borders and backings but they are still pretty and they are good fabrics so they will add to the overall movement in the quilt when they all come together eventually.

Scrap Great Granny Squares Quilt Revival susies-scraps.com

In truth it would have been easy to throw some of these bits out, but as you can see it was worth the trouble to cut them up into useable squares.

This is how I do that

Cut Up Your Quilting Off-cuts

It actually takes a lot of work to cut these up from yardage however if you have leftovers and cut those bits up at the end of a project, all those beautiful bits can be incorporated into another even more lovely quilt with so much variation.

My Singer 201k treadle has been getting a bit of a workout. It is fun and relaxing. I like to lay out the blocks onto a firm portable surface ( a cutting mat or lazy Susan 😉 is great ) and then take it to the machine and put the block together.

Scrap Great Granny Squares Quilt Revival susies-scraps.com

So here are my blocks so far. I am going to make some more. not sure yet how many….but that is part of the adventure, don’t you think!

Scrap Great Granny Squares Quilt Revival susies-scraps.com
Scrap Great Granny Squares Quilt Revival susies-scraps.com

Maybe you will join me for Scrap Great Granny Square Block Tutorial

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Happy sewing


© Susan Stuklis